Electrical and Computer Engineering Transfer Option


Electrical and computer engineers design, research, develop, and test electrical and computer systems and components. Their expertise allows them to contribute to a wide range of industries – from helping to ensure the security of networks and computers to creating more sustainable energy resources or designing new and innovative medical equipment. They are the innovators that help create the products that we use and rely on in our daily lives for work, 娱乐, safety, health, 和幸福.

Delaware Tech’s associate degree program will prepare students for transfer to a baccalaureate electrical or computer 工程 program that leads to a career as an electrical or computer engineer. 严格的数学, chemistry, physics, 计算机科学, and electrical and computer 工程 courses prepare students for their final two years of study at a four-year institution. View the section on 连接度 programs below to learn more about your options for transfer.

Offered at the following campus(es): Stanton


Upon completion of a bachelor’s degree, you will be prepared for positions such as:

  • 电气工程师
  • 硬件设计工程师
  • 广播设计工程师
  • 电子工程师
  • 产品工程师
  • 网络工程师
  • 系统工程师



The 毕业生能力 listed below identify the major learning goals related to your specific program of study and identify the knowledge and skills you will have when you graduate to be successful in your chosen field.

  1. Integrate modern tools of the 工程 discipline into the field of study.
  2. 应用数学, science, 工程, and technology theory to solve electrical and computer 工程 and electronics 工程 technology problems.
  3. Conduct, analyze, and interpret experiments using analysis tools and troubleshooting methods.
  4. Identify, analyze, and solve electrical and computer 工程 and electronics 工程 technology problems.
  5. Explain the importance of engaging in self-directed continuing professional development.
  6. 示范基本管理, 组织, and leadership skills that commit to quality, 及时性, 持续改进.


The 核心课程能力 listed below identify what you will be able to do as a graduate, 不管你的学习计划是什么. You will acquire these core competencies through general education courses and program-specific coursework. You will be expected to use relevant technology to achieve these outcomes:

  1. Apply clear and effective communication skills.
  2. Use critical thinking to solve problems.
  3. 合作实现共同的目标.
  4. Demonstrate professional and ethical conduct.
  5. Use information literacy for effective vocational and/or academic research.
  6. Apply quantitative reasoning and/or scientific inquiry to solve practical problems.



Number 科目名称 Credits
SSC 100第一年研讨会1
CHM 150化学原理一5
CEN 100Intro to Electronics and Computer Engineering Technology3
MAT 281微积分我4
CSC 114计算机科学I4
ENG 101作文我3


Number 科目名称 Credits
PHY 281物理I与微积分4
MAT 282微积分二世4
CSC 164计算机科学II4
ELC 265数字系统概论3
ENG 102作文二世3


Number 科目名称 Credits
MAT 283微积分三世4

Semester 4

Number 科目名称 Credits
PHY 282物理II与微积分4
ELC 266模拟电路I4
MAT 292工程数学I3
CSC 210系统编程3

Semester 5

Number 科目名称 Credits
ELC 272电子电路分析I4
ELC 282信号与系统4
ELC 275微处理器系统4


Select one (1) social science elective

Number 科目名称 Credits
HIS 111U. S. 历史:内战前3
HIS 112美国内战后的历史3
HIS 131艺术史I3
HIS 132艺术史II3
SPA 136西班牙语传播I4

Select one (1) social science elective.

Number 科目名称 Credits
ECO 111宏观经济学3
ECO 122微观经济学3
POL 111政治科学3
PSY 121普通心理学3
SOC 111Sociology3

To complete program requirements, you must pass the above courses and earn at least 76个学分. The number of courses and credits required for graduation may be more depending on college readiness and the elective courses offered in your program major (if electives are a part of the program).



This is a 连接度 program that enables you to complete your associate degree and then transfer to a four-year degree program as a junior. 详情请咨询项目顾问!


This program is offered at the Stanton campus.

This program is offered at the Stanton campus.


(302) 453-3795

This program is offered at the Stanton campus.